Van Staal / Penn Promo Day

Van Staal / Penn Promo Day at J&H Tackle
Van Staal / Penn Promo Day at J&H Tackle

This weekend at J&H Tackle we are having a Van Staal / Penn Promo Day. Basically an event with these two brands to offer you some cool stuff. If you are a fan of Van Staal or Penn, you should come down to the shop. Craig from Van Staal will be in the shop on Saturday from 10am-2pm. Ask him questions about Van Staal and talk about what you love most - fishing!

We are offering some great specials. Buy any Van Staal Spinning Reel and get a Van Staal Hoodie and Hat free! Buy any Penn Reel and we will spool it with 150 yards of Berkley X9 Braid free! X9 is really great stuff and has gotten more and more popular over the last few years.

Finally, we have a limited number of Penn Battle III DX 3000 and 4000 Spinning Reels with no boxes that we will be selling for only $100! On top of that we will spool it with 150 yards of Berkley X9 Braid absolutely free! This is a tremendous deal but the only way to get it is to come to the shop on 9/9-9/10. We posted about this deal on Instagram and the number of people interested is quite large so if you can get to the shop Saturday morning, that would increase your chances of getting a reel.

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