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Looking for leaders to buy online? You need go no further. J & H Tackle carries leaders from the following manufacturers: American Fishing Wire, ChatterLures, Diamond, Malin, Momoi, Tide Rite, and Tsunami.

Leaders are not a necessary part of angling, but they certainly make things easier for you. Leaders for sale can be made of monofilament, braid, or wire. Leaders are near invisible pieces of fishing line, of a certain length, that attach to more colorful pieces of line. Fish can see colors and may be spooked by fishing line, but they can’t see a leader.

Leaders prices are quite helpful, because another benefit of leaders is the ability to change out lures quickly, without having to untie knots. Leaders are looped into the fishing line and are quite easy to change out.

Wire leaders are cheap, and are ideal when you’re going after fish with sharp teeth that can bite through monofilament or fluorocarbon. These leaders come with swivels and snaps that make attaching lures easy. Anglers who don’t use leaders for anything else, will use wire leaders when going up against large pike or bluefin. Or, of course, sharks.

The length of leaders you buy online varies depending on what kind of fish you’re after. They can be anywhere from 12 inches to 18 inches to 24 inches in length. Some anglers use leaders up to 7 feet in length. If you’re drop fishing, a leader of ten feet is usual. The more you fish and experiment, the more you’ll know what the appropriate leader length is.

Whether or not you need to use leaders for sale, on any given day, depend on that day. If the water is murky, there’s no need to use a leader. If the water is clear, then leaders are an absolute necessity. One of the main reasons, again, is that it is easy to swap out lures without having to untie and retie knots. Leaders make it very convenient.

One thing to think about when using leaders, whatever their price, is that the weight for the leader should be the same weight for the fishing line itself. It’s a mistake to use a leader that isn’t for the heavy fish you’re going for.

Leaders are cheap, but it’s important to attach them properly. One of the many skills an angler should learn is how to tie – and untie – fishing knots. Tying fishing knots is the most important. Rather than untying, it may sometimes be quicker just to cut the knot and retie it.

Learning to use leaders is a simple matter of practice. If you have any questions about leaders for sale and where and when to use them, we are here to answer you. Just send us a message today.

Momoi Diamond Mono Top Shot Wind-On Leader

Momoi Diamond Mono Top Shot Wind-On Leader


Momoi Hi-Catch Nylon Mono-Line Leader Material

Momoi Hi-Catch Nylon Mono-Line Leader Material

$24.99 - $32.99

Tsunami Wire Leaders

Tsunami Wire Leaders


Tide Rite Monofilament Leader Material

Tide Rite Monofilament Leader Material


Tide Rite Nylon Coated Wire Leaders

Tide Rite Nylon Coated Wire Leaders


American Fishing Wire ToothProof Stainless Steel Leader Wire

American Fishing Wire ToothProof Stainless Steel Leader Wire

$5.49 - $7.99

Diamond Monofilament Wind-On Leaders

Diamond Monofilament Wind-On Leaders

$14.99 - $17.99

Diamond Fluorocarbon Wind-On Leaders

Diamond Fluorocarbon Wind-On Leaders

$24.99 - $33.99

Diamond X-TRA Hard Wind-On Leaders

Diamond X-TRA Hard Wind-On Leaders

$18.99 - $23.99

Displaying 9 products