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Jigs and Spoons

Daiwa Saltiga SK Jigs

Item ID: 30301


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Daiwa Saltiga SK Jigs are made for vertical jigging for tuna, snapper and other pelagic species. Stay ready at all times when you fish the Saltiga SK Jig because it works great on the fall as well as when you are retrieving it. When it is falling it will flutter and spin until it reaches bottom or your desired depth. When you retrieve it, this metal jig will kick and slap as it moves up through the water. Try fishing this jig at different speeds to get more results. You can fish it slow pitch style as well as using the traditional vertical jigging style. They feature two very sharp stinger hooks at the top. If you're love jigging for big fish, give a Daiwa Saltiga SK Jig a try. Anglers have had a lot of success with them and we are sure you will too!

Daiwa Saltiga SK Jigs are available in eight weights and several really nice colors. Take a few on your next bluewater trip, and go catch some big fish on jigs!

Models: SA-SK60G, SA-SK85G, SA-SK110G, SA-SK140G, SA-SK170G, SA-SK200G


Color - Blue Pink

Length - 3.6"

Weight (oz) - 2

Type - Vertical Jig

Range (ft) - Unlimited